Cloud computing: Market size growth Hybrid cloud will become an important direction

本站 本站 2015-05-21 261

Chen Guang, Institute of Software and Information Services, CCID think Tank

Cloud computing is becoming the strategic focus of IT industry development。In 2014, global IT companies have transitioned to cloud computing, bringing further growth in market size。It is predicted that in 2015, the cloud computing market will show an important direction of hybrid cloud becoming a cloud service format, enterprise-level mobile cloud applications will continue to heat up, key industry applications such as smart cities and industries will become an important market for cloud computing, and cloud applications in vertical industries will make breakthroughs。Looking forward to 2015, the scale of China's cloud computing industry will maintain rapid growth, the industrial pattern will usher in a reshuffle stage, and the global influence of cloud computing enterprises will expand。

Market size growth

The application of innovation and entrepreneurship has become a highlight

Cloud computing is becoming the strategic focus of the development of the IT industry, and global IT companies have realized this trend and have transformed to cloud computing, which has also brought further growth in the market size。In 2014, the global market for cloud computing services reached $152.8 billion, an increase of 17%。

In 2014, China's public cloud market size reached 6.8 billion yuan。At the same time, the development of cloud computing has also driven and promoted the rapid development of upstream and downstream electronic product manufacturing, software and information services, is expected to 2015, China's cloud computing upstream and downstream industry scale will exceed 350 billion yuan。

In 2014, the cloud computing industry was mainly applied in the following three aspects:

First, applications in the field of government affairs took the lead and effectively promoted the reform of the government management model。In 2014, cloud computing was widely used in the fields of e-government public services and people's livelihood security, which effectively promoted the innovation of government management models and the construction of social governance systems。Twelve provinces, including Hainan, Zhejiang, Guizhou, Guangxi, Henan, Hebei, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Gansu, Guangdong, Jilin and Tianjin, utilize the core independent technology of Alibaba Cloud "Feitian" cloud computing,Build a digital service platform in the fields of government affairs, people's livelihood and public services,We will promote e-commerce, wireless and smart government public services。In cooperation with Alibaba Cloud, the State Drug Administration has realized the complete record and real-time supervision of all information of each box of drugs in China from production, wholesale to distribution and retail, greatly improving the efficiency of drug circulation。

Second, the increasing application of traditional industries has accelerated industrial transformation and upgrading。In 2014, the application of new technologies, new formats and new models related to cloud computing in important industries was deepened, effectively helping traditional enterprises to increase added value of products, improve production efficiency and innovate business models。Haier, Skyworth, Gionee and other traditional manufacturing enterprises rely on cloud service innovation to launch a consumer-to-business (C2B) business model, and move toward intelligence, personalization, and customization, realizing the upgrade from hardware manufacturers to "manufacturing + service" providers。Suning, a traditional electrical appliance seller, has accelerated its transformation into cloud-based retail services and Internet financial services。With the support of Alibaba Cloud, Zhongan Insurance expands its Internet insurance business with low-cost and flexible information technology capabilities, creating a new form of Internet finance development。

Third, innovation and entrepreneurship applications have become highlights, driving mass entrepreneurship and innovation。In 2014, cloud computing made many achievements in lowering the threshold for innovation and entrepreneurship, providing good conditions for mass entrepreneurship and innovation。Cloud computing has become the basic platform for Internet innovation and entrepreneurship in China。Baidu Cloud platform has gathered more than 500,000 small and medium-sized enterprises and developer users, driving more than 1 million jobs, and saving users more than 2 billion yuan in cumulative costs。Tencent Cloud open platform has more than 600,000 developers registered, sharing revenue exceeded 1 billion yuan。

Cloud companies embrace open source software

SaaS service has become a hot spot for innovation

In 2014, there were three key innovations in cloud computing:

One is that cloud computing companies are embracing open source software。Open source software is becoming an important driving force for the development of cloud computing technology。In 2014, more and more cloud service enterprises and users, including Huawei and Huasheng Tiancheng, began to use the open source cloud platform and participate in the construction of the open source cloud platform。At present, Huawei has become a gold member of the OpenStack Summit, and more than 500 R&D personnel have built cloud computing solutions around OpenStack。Huasheng Tiancheng launched China's first OpenStack service center。

Second, innovation in livelihood services such as health and education has become a hot topic。In 2014, SaaS services in the personal field became a hot spot of cloud computing innovation, and large Internet companies continued to innovate in health, education, transportation and other fields and launched personal service products。Based on data advantages, telecom operators have distributed information services in education, health and other fields in cities across the country。Small and medium-sized cloud computing startups take education as the preferred field of entrepreneurship, and a group of startups such as 51talk, 91 foreign teachers, and cloud schools have entered the field of education cloud。

Third, IaaS is still the focus of enterprise cloud service innovation。Saving high IT investment costs, improving the utilization rate of IT facilities, reducing the cost of enterprise informatization, and then improving the intelligence level of enterprises, improving production efficiency, and improving the added value of products are the main purposes of enterprises using cloud computing, and are also the direction of cloud service manufacturers to provide enterprise-class cloud services in the past two years。At present, the progress of enterprise SaaS services is slow due to the extent of market popularity and enterprise information。In 2014, most of the progress in enterprise cloud services remained focused on IaaS layer services such as cloud hosting, cloud storage, and network services。

Hybrid cloud will be an important direction in 2015

The industrial scale is growing rapidly

It is predicted that in 2015, the cloud computing market will show four hot spots: first, hybrid cloud will become an important direction of cloud service formats。The hybrid cloud model combines the benefits of both public and private clouds。Many large enterprises need to connect private cloud and public cloud, and the free switch between private cloud and public cloud will have a huge demand for hybrid cloud architecture。

Second, enterprise-class mobile cloud applications will continue to heat up。The gradual blurring of the physical boundary of enterprises and the popularity of mobile Internet use make the demand of mobile office more and more urgent。More and more enterprises say they will increase their budget investment at the Saas level, and the mobile cloud office space will be one of the priorities。

Third, key industry applications such as smart cities and industries will become an important market for cloud computing。Cities are generally taking the application of smart cities and people's livelihood applications as the starting point, vigorously developing government cloud, urban cloud and education cloud, medical cloud, etc., and launching a series of related projects。The development speed of industry cloud platforms in logistics, education, tourism, medical and other industries has begun to accelerate, and many enterprises are actively building public cloud platforms in these key industries and providing derivative services。With the "Industrial 4.The concept of "0" and industrial Internet has risen rapidly, and the "industrial cloud" for the industrial field will also usher in a stage of rapid development。

Fourth, cloud applications in vertical industries will make breakthroughs。Enterprises pay more and more attention to the intelligence of products and the real and effective acquisition of user data, and provide more segmented and vertical cloud computing services。Especially in the field of smart home, cloud computing will be combined with home products to become a bright spot in the personal services sector in 2015。

The outlook for the development of cloud computing in China in 2015 has the following three aspects: First, the industrial scale to maintain rapid growth。Favorable policies such as the Opinions on Promoting the innovative Development of cloud Computing and Cultivating new formats of the information Industry will further promote the rapid development of cloud computing, and it is expected that the domestic public cloud service market will exceed 9 billion yuan in 2015, with a growth rate of more than 30%。The development of cloud computing will drive and promote the rapid development of upstream and downstream electronic product manufacturing, software and information services, is expected to 2015, China's cloud computing upstream and downstream industry scale will exceed 350 billion yuan。

Second, the industrial pattern will usher in a reshuffle stage。In 2014, cloud computing companies have built their own industrial system or ecosystem through mergers and acquisitions, financing, cooperation and other means to enhance their industrial competitiveness, make up for industrial weaknesses, and build strong competitive advantages with partners。In the next few years, the cloud computing industry is expected to form a number of solid cooperation systems similar to the Wintel system, before which the market will be in a fierce shuffle stage。

Third, the global influence of China's cloud computing enterprises will expand。Through large investment and active research and development in the field of cloud computing, China's public cloud service enterprises have reached the international advanced level in technology。Relying on such advantages, large cloud service companies are blowing the horn to enter overseas markets。Alibaba Cloud entered the commercial phase in data centers in the United States and Hong Kong, which can provide cloud computing services to users worldwide。In the future, Chinese enterprises are expected to compete with international giants such as Amazon and IBM on a global scale。