2015 Shenzhen Security Fair: 4K attack, smart security play new tricks

International electronic business situation 本站 2015-10-30 267

On October 29, 2015, the four-day 15th China International Public Safety Expo (CPSE) opened as scheduled at Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center。With the theme of "Opening a new era of smart security", this year's Expo will fully demonstrate the most cutting-edge technology and innovative development in the field of security。

The exhibition scope includes video surveillance, smart home, building intercom, anti-theft alarm, access control, alarm service, access control, perimeter prevention, parking lot management and other security technology protection products,And intelligent transportation, fire, criminal investigation, anti-terrorism, security, anti-counterfeiting, police equipment, network security and other public safety products。

As a biennial security industry event, it has attracted a large number of exhibitors, including domestic and foreign manufacturers。Amb has set up booths in the 9 exhibition halls and the platform hall on the 2nd floor of the Convention and Exhibition Center,Hall 1 is the International Hall,Many domestic and foreign companies, including HONEYWALL, BOSCH, Schneider Electric, Panasonic, SONY, NEC, Samsung, TCL, Skyworth, Haier, Huawei, Netday and many others, exhibited the latest technologies and products。

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4K and H.265 is currently popular in the field of security, which is reflected vividly in the security fair。The higher resolution provides a greater space for security intelligence, face recognition, 360-degree panorama, AR, drones, cloud screen splicing these recent popular technologies have also received a lot of attention at the exhibition site。

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Panasonic shows off the ultra-high resolution and ultra-intelligent features of its 4K video surveillance technology。Its 360-degree panoramic 4K network camera, with 4K ultra-high resolution, can clearly shoot the face of the edge area in 360-degree panoramic mode;At the same time with intelligent function, through video analysis can provide the density of people, a hotspot view and the number of people statistics。

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Panasonic also displayed a 4K 360-degree image splicing and tracking system with a dual head design, which can splice different real-time images of the camera group。

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Huawei showcases a stereo panoramic camera equipped with 41 cameras

At the Huawei booth, the white spherical device attracted a lot of attention。According to field engineers, this is a Huawei product still under development, three-dimensional panoramic camera, through the spherical equipment on the 41 cameras shot by the picture splicing to obtain a panoramic image, each camera is currently 2 million pixels, mainly suitable for plazas, stadiums and other large outdoor places。The staff explained that this technical solution can make the shooting picture more three-dimensional and realistic。

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In addition to showcasing 4K and H.265 video surveillance solutions, Huawei also demonstrated the most high-end security technology, such as image stabilization, face recognition, acousto-optic auxiliary focusing, loop tracking analysis。

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This will catch fire. AR opens a new dimension for security monitoring

Augmented reality (AR) is a new concept in the field of security,High emerging enhanced display products,Combine the "reality" of live video with virtual "enhanced" information,The target information can be intuitively understood on the real-time monitoring screen,The longitude, latitude and azimuth of the camera can be added to the real-time monitoring screen,Mark the target's name, address and other information,It also supports face detection, target measurement and other functions。

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Skyworth also showcased 4K high-definition monitors, distributed cloud screen splicing systems for public security and transportation, and H.265 real-time decoding of full HD DLP seamless splicing screen。

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Haier Mirror: Black technology?You city folks are so naughty.?

Haier this time with a series of smart home products, in addition to home security related smart door locks, doors and Windows magnetic sensors, kitchen alarms, but also demonstrated the SmartCare overall smart home suite。

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The scene of the most onlookers or Haier previously released a new smart bath concept product "magic mirror"。It provides weather queries, indoor environmental monitoring, hot water temperature control, home personal health records and entertainment systems。At present, Haier's "magic mirror" only supports Haier's own equipment system connectivity, and if you want to access other brands of products, you need to connect through Haier's wireless module。According to the on-site staff, the current price of this product is about 10,000 yuan。

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Also a smart home, several door machines from Germany's BOSCH have also been well received by visitors。

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Video surveillance, which concerns privacy and security issues

In view of the security and privacy issues of the current security network surveillance video, Samsung WiseNet has brought VPM video encryption management system。

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TCL's booth showcased the latest technology in its integrated security management system。

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Drones are everywhere

The UAV equipment brought by Eastday is mainly targeted at public security, intelligent transportation and other industries。

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HONEYWALL showcased its Security Integration Platform (HUS), smart building, smart industry, and smart home solutions。Among them, intelligent building integration solution including high-definition riot panorama network camera, support two-way audio, suitable for hotels, shopping malls, supermarkets, factories and other application scenarios。

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Face recognition has been widely used in entry and exit management (if you go abroad for cosmetic surgery, you can't come back)

NEC demonstrated CPU-based face recognition application solutions, which have been widely used in public security fields such as entry and exit management and citizen ID management in various countries。

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SONY showcases ultra high sensitivity technology and 4K starlight technology。Its anti-riot 4K outdoor hemisphere camera is equipped with a 20 million pixel 1-inch large target backlit imager Exmor R, which supports high sensitivity, intelligent scene capture and intelligent coding。

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Start with 4K, end with 4K。Recalling the 2011 Ambo meeting, the high-definition at that time also mainly said "720P" and "1080P", with the upgrading of technology, the arrival of 4K ultra HD, will also bring earth-shaking changes to the security market?Let's wait and see。