The economic operation of China's electronic information industry from January to May 2017

China Electronic Information Industry Federation 本站 2017-07-27 229

Since 2017, China's industrial economy has started smoothly, the supply and demand situation of industrial products continues to improve, the price of industrial products is generally stable and rising, and enterprises are expected to show a good trend of rapid growth of emerging industries and recovery of some traditional industries。Among them, the electronic information industry is outstanding, continuing the rapid growth trend of the previous year, accelerating structural adjustment, and enhancing the supporting and driving role。

(1) The growth rate of production has slowed down at a high level

From January to May, the added value of the electronics manufacturing industry increased by 13.7%, the growth rate is 1. 1% lower than the first quarter.2 percentage points, but still up from 4 percent a year earlier.9 percentage points, higher than the national industrial average growth rate of 7 percentage points。In terms of major segments, computers (5.5%) with audiovisual equipment (2.2%) the growth rate of added value in traditional machine fields is lower than the industry average;But battery manufacturing (21.5%), communication equipment manufacturing (18.0%) and electronic equipment manufacturing (26.The added value of emerging and basic areas such as 9% maintained a high growth rate, showing that the structural adjustment of the electronic information industry continued to deepen and the industrial foundation continued to consolidate。It is expected that in the first half of the year, the growth rate of the added value of the electronics manufacturing industry will continue to stabilize, at 13.5%左右。

2. Investment growth continued to accelerate

From January to May this year, the computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry completed fixed asset investment of 446.9 billion yuan, an increase of 29% year-on-year, the growth rate is 2% faster than the first quarter.2 percentage points, higher than the manufacturing average of 23 in the same period.Nine percentage points。By field, semiconductor discrete device manufacturing, integrated circuit manufacturing and communication equipment manufacturing and other fields of investment growth is prominent, higher than the average level of the whole industry, computer, home audio-visual, radio and television equipment manufacturing and other fields of investment growth is relatively low。It is expected that the growth rate of investment in the electronics industry will be about 29% in the first half of the year。

3. Export growth slowed down

From January to May this year, China's high-tech products exports were 221.6 billion US dollars, an increase of 6.4 percent, down 1. 1 percent from the first quarter.6 percentage points, lower than the national trade in goods export growth rate of 1.8 percentage points, but up 14 percentage points from the same period last year。From the perspective of major products, the exports of mobile phones and their parts, computers, liquid crystal display boards and integrated circuits reached $49.9 billion, $50.8 billion, $9.5 billion and $22.9 billion, respectively, an increase of 9.4%、8.1%、3.2%和1.1%。It is expected that in the first half of the year, China's electronic information products export growth rate of about 6%。

4. Efficiency needs to be improved

From January to April, the main business income of the electronic information manufacturing industry was 3,147.7 billion yuan, an increase of 14 percent year-on-year.1%;The total profit reached 131.8 billion yuan, an increase of 12.9%;The main business cost was 2,789.8 billion yuan, an increase of 13.5%;Electronic information manufacturing industry income growth rate ahead of the industrial average 0.5 percent, but profit growth lagged by 11 percent.5 percentage points, the main cost growth rate is higher than the average 0.One percentage point。Since the beginning of this year, the core components and components of electronic products, such as liquid crystal panels and silicon wafers and other procurement costs continue to rise, more basic copper, aluminum, plastics and other raw materials prices continue to rise, the price adjustment space of the whole electronic products is limited, resulting in more difficult to make profits。It is expected that in the first half of the year, the revenue and profit growth rate of electronic information manufacturing industry will be 13.About 5% and 12%。

5. Key enterprises performed smoothly

From January to May, I will focus on monitoring the revenue, profit and export delivery value of 170 electronic manufacturing enterprises to increase by 14.7%、12.6%和17.9%, revenue and export growth slightly ahead of the industry average, profit growth is slightly lower, the overall operating situation is consistent with the industry。From the perspective of the main products of key enterprises, the fields of light-emitting diodes, integrated circuits, IC design, large-size panels and photovoltaic cells are growing rapidly, with a growth rate of more than 20%。

(6) The conversion of kinetic energy still needs attention

At present, the pull role of traditional products such as color televisions and computers is weakening。From January to May this year, the domestic color TV market sales fell by more than 10%, and mobile phone shipments fell by 5%.9%;Tablet and computer sales continue to shrink。At the same time, although emerging products such as wearable devices, AR/VR and drones are growing rapidly, the low-end phenomenon caused by lack of standards and excessive competition is increasingly prominent, which is not conducive to healthy development in the future。In addition, the development of integrated circuits, new displays, smart cities, intelligent manufacturing and other fields mainly rely on government investment, endogenous and sustainability is insufficient, it is difficult to support the long-term stable growth of the industry。