December 2017 domestic mobile phone market operation analysis report

China Academy of Information and Communications Technology 本站 2018-01-10 407

First, the overall situation of the mobile phone market

In December 2017, the domestic mobile phone market shipped 4,261.20,000 units, down 32.5%;90 new models were launched, down 28 from a year earlier.6%。From January to December, the domestic mobile phone market shipments were 4.9.1 billion units, 1,054 new models were listed, down 12 per cent year-on-year.3%和27.1%。

Figure 1 Domestic mobile phone shipments from December 2016 to December 2017 

Second, 4G mobile phone development

In December 2017, 4G mobile phones shipped 4,041.20,000 units, 57 new models listed, respectively down 33.1%和46.7%, accounting for 94.8%和63.3%。From January to December, 4G mobile phone shipments were 4.6.2 billion units, 810 new models were listed, down 11 percent year-on-year.0%和34.6%, accounting for 94.1%和76.9%。

Of the 4G mobile phones shipped in December, full mobile phones accounted for 89.4%。From the perspective of the network standards supported by 4G mobile phones, the proportion of FDD, TD-SCDMA, WCDMA, cdma2000 network standards is 98.8%、99.5%、98.4%、89.6%。 

Third, domestic and foreign brand composition

In December 2017, the shipments of domestic brand mobile phones were 3560.20,000 units, down 36.4%, accounting for 83% of domestic mobile phone shipments in the same period.5%;83 new models were launched, down 31 from the same period last year.4%, accounting for 92 percent of the number of new domestic mobile phone models listed in the same period.2%。From January to December, shipments of domestic brand mobile phones were 4.3.6 billion units, down 12.4%, accounting for 88% of domestic mobile phone shipments in the same period.8%;985 new models were launched, down 28 per cent year-on-year.7%, accounting for 93 of the number of new domestic mobile phone models listed in the same period.5%。

Figure 2 Composition of domestic and foreign brand mobile phone shipments in December 2017

Fourth, the development of smart phones

In December 2017, 4,036 smartphones were shipped.10,000 units, down 33 percent year-on-year.2%, accounting for 94% of domestic mobile phone shipments in the same period.7%, of which 3,191 Android phones shipped.4万部。From January to December, smartphone shipments were 4.6.1 billion units, down 11.6%, accounting for 93% of domestic mobile phone shipments in the same period.9%, of which Android phones shipped 3.83亿部。 

In December 2017, 58 new smartphone models were launched, down 45 percent year-on-year.8%, accounting for 64 percent of the total number of new mobile phone models in the same period.4%, and 53 models that support the Android operating system。From January to December, 799 new smartphone models were launched, down 35 percent year-on-year.8%, accounting for 75% of the number of new models in the same period.8%, of which 623 supported the Android operating system。